Thursday, 10 December 2015

Tracks at the Railway

Homeless in Paris performed live at Adelaide Railway Station 9th Dec 2015

Thursday, 5 November 2015

A Perpetual Tale by Keren Sutcliffe

“The Age Entitlement is Over” quote by Joe Hockey Australian Treasurer (20122014), makes it sound like it is possible to come up with a source of income overnight.
This is my attempt to do so. By inventing a story and weaving it through time, using Social Media and whatever means available to promote it. Is it working? Not yet.
  • The content itself; is the story good enough?
  • Is it novel/unique to enough to be of interest without being so confusing that readers are lost?
  • Is the commercialisation of it right, ie asking readers to buy a t-shirt if they like it?
  • The promotion of it. Considering the vast amount of stories and competition for peoples time; how to get noticed?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

New Media Writing Competition

Wow, you never know what will come up next! 
Stumbled across a competition that I could enter The Red Forge Publishing House into:

Monday, 12 October 2015

Port Festival 2015

Artist and Designers Market @Port Festival 2015
Thanks to everyone who came through.
See you next year.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Port Festival 2015

All is prepared. I am not sure how well it will go down tomorrow. I certainly am wondering what is to become of me (Homeless in Paris). I have told Gwen I will be brave and I have pledged all proceeds to the Artist Blacksmiths Association of South Australia.

Yes, I will take the magic wand. 

Saturday, 29 August 2015

I will be performing My Painted Elephant at Port October. I will play Homeless an Paris and have the sculpture on show. I'm a bit nervous but seem compelled to get people to read the story.

I've started writing another work call The Wave and the Particle. I am going to try writing it directly onto the website.

Monday, 6 July 2015

New book cover

Hi, I have started writing the next installment of My Painted Elephant and it is called The Wave and the Particle. I am finally really enjoying the writing process but having bit of a struggle keeping up with my ideas.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

This is Kesbooks. She is a hologram sent here from the future.(some time around the year 3000). The science surrounding this feat are unknown at this time. She is trying her best to fit in around here and has begun working as the Librarian at The Red Forge Publishing House.
Hi, since I went to an Information Session on Social Media at the Adelaide City Library I've been really getting into my "Online Presence". My character Kesbooks has been Tweeting, signed up to Google+, Tumblr, Instagram etc. It has brought on a feeling of need to press on with My Painted Elephant and get it out to a readership ASAP. I want to rename the written portion The Wave and the Particle. My Painted Elephant will still be retained at the title of the overall work which includes: the novel, the musical piece, the sculpture and the creative installation.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

I've been practising my song Homeless in Paris. You can view video at 

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

New Online Store

Purchase The Red Forge Publishing House and Theodorus Spiral Company merchandise @ Kes Creations